There are so many great therapists and researchers and thinkers out there working on ways to better understand how we are in the world. The latest advances in brain scans (fMRIs) have allowed therapists to look at the intersection between body and mind, thoughts and feelings and the whole field of psychology and psychotherapy in a whole new way.
Mindfulness is a simple word to describe a new way of regarding our thoughts and the impact they have on our functioning in the world. Really smart, creative, sensitive, intuitive, kind people are asking really important questions and all of that information and wonder is being integrated into the practice of psychotherapy.
If you are interested in reading and understanding more about the role that mindfulness is playing in the field of psychotherapy look for books by Dan Siegel (Mindsight), Elisha Goldstein (The Now Effect), Jon Kabat-Zinn (Mindfulness for Beginners) and others.